Song credits - additional film music - songs that are not included in the official soundtrack list, but are playing in the movie.
Listen to full soundtrack songs (where available)

[0:12′] Scott and Cam are chatting during their lunch break.

[1:31′] Danny and Will are listening to this song on their earphones and singing along.

[1:35′] Two helicopters are following the ambulance. Will manages to lose all the cars and they meet Castro and Papi’s men.

Original release date: 8 April 2022
Label: Back Lot Music
Original music composed by Lorne Balfe


[0:07′] Danny is showing Will pictures from their childhood.
[2:02′] As they are being cuffed after being shot, Will and Danny remember a moment from their childhood. Danny dies.
[1:30′] Will is talking on the phone to his wife, she puts on their son. Cam is trying to talk Will out of continuing the car chase.

[1:09′] Cam is performing surgery on Zach to remove the bullet; she’s being guided by other doctors. Will is helping her while Danny is driving.

[1:00′] Danny tries to shoot a police car, but Cam stops him.


[1:42′] The police are being shot at by an automatic gun provided by Papi. Roberto gets shot by Zach’s partner.




[0:26′] As they were getting out of the bank with the stolen money, a policeman catches them and they start shooting at him.



[0:44′] Danny and Will drive the ambulance, trying to escape the police.

[1:51′] After Will refuses to leave Cam and Zach behind, Danny makes up a quick plan and they shoot Papi and his men, managing to escape.

Trailer Video

Trailer songs (full tracks)

Streaming on: Roku
Category: Action Movie Soundtracks, Crime Movie Soundtracks, Drama Movie Soundtracks
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Movie Genre: Action, Crime, Drama
Release date (wide): 8 April 2022
Runtime: 2h 16m
IMDB: Ambulance
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whats the credits song?
You’re Gonna Hurt Someone – Lorne Balfe
Has anyone found the music when the purple lowrider machine gun was shooting at the officer’s????
Have you heard it in the youtube playlist?
Heres a link to it its not released yet
(Ambulance) 2022 2:12:16 what background song.
Heroic Deeds – Lorne Balfe
Heres the song to the mini gun ambush lowrider scene
What was the music when will was talking to her wife on the phone in the ambulance?
Brothers – Lorne Balfe
(Ambulance) 2022 2:13:00 what background song with strong drums
it might be Brothers – Lorne Balfe
NO it’s not!!
waiting for that either~ love that one
What is the song they’re listening and singing along to when the brothers put on headphones and try to fix their vibe?
Sailing – Christopher Chris
(Ambulance) 2022 1:45:40 whats the song its kinda creepy and it plays during the entire shootout with that cool purple car with a machine gun
It might be ‘Ambushed’ by Lorne Balfe
No its not the same one thats playing during that specific scene but i dont think the music is released
Im lookin for it too. Great music
remember me when you find it you gotta tell me !! LOL
Isnt it also towards the end when Danny, Cam, and Will are about to get out of the ambulance at the hospital with everybody aiming at them?