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The soundtrack to Running With The Devil: The Wild World Of John McAfee music, a 2022 movie, tracklist, listen to all of the 4 full soundtrack songs. View all song names, who sings them, stream 4 additional tune playlists, scores, and credits used in the movie. Read 4 scene descriptions with timelines.

Song credits - additional film music - songs that are not included in the official soundtrack list, but are playing in the movie.
Listen to full soundtrack songs (where available)

1. Lo Boob Oscillator – Stereolab
[0:01′] After John Mcafee says that he is a flight risk, he presents a short introduction about himself.
2. Sunshine Of Your Love – Cream
[0:26′] John Mcafee listens to a song on the way to Ciudad de Guatemala, in a car sent by Sam’s uncle.
3. Coin Bros – The Mcaffe Effect
[0:47′] Alex Cody Faster mentions the notoriety enjoyed by John Macoffe.
4. Abatina – Calipsa Rose
[1:13′] Montage of John Macoffe enjoying his time in Belize.

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Category: Crime Movie Soundtracks, Documentary Movie Soundtracks, Netflix

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Running With The Devil: The Wild World Of John McAfee  Film information
Running With The Devil: The Wild World Of John McAfee Soundtrack (2022)
Movie Genre: Documentary, Crime
Release date (wide): 24 august 2022
Runtime: 1h 45m
Production: Curious Films
Distributor: Netflix
Director: Charlie Russell
Star: John McAfee

IMDB: Running with the Devil: The Wild World of John McAfee

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Soundtracki has the most complete and updated soundtrack details on the web, with full songs.

11 thoughts on “Running With The Devil: The Wild World Of John McAfee Soundtrack (2022)”

  1. Hi… I’m looking for that super deep down durge track from approx 06.06 to 09.06 . It’s overspoken so Shazam can’t nail it. Maybe it’s by the credited team at the end, We Are Golden ? … But I can’t seem to nail diwn there either. Any clues folks?

    1. Thank you Paco. Indeed they are listed in the End Credits and I have even gone as far as contacting them on their web site. Hope they respond.

  2. I would like to know what is the name of the music that is played in the background starting at about 1:36:00 up to 1:37:12 and the music right at the end. This is for Running with the Devil: The wild world of John Mcafee. Thank you

        1. Thank you for the feedback. I tried Shazaam and other music identifier apps and none of them are able to identify the piece of music. Please keep trying.

When asking about what song is playing during a scene, please specify around what minute.
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