The Hardy Boys Season 2 Episode 2
The Hardy Boys Season 2 Episode 3
The Hardy Boys Season 2 Episode 4
The Hardy Boys Season 2 Episode 5
The Hardy Boys Season 2 Episode 6
The Hardy Boys Season 2 Episode 7
The Hardy Boys Season 2 Episode 8
The Hardy Boys Season 2 Episode 9
The Hardy Boys Season 2 Episode 10
Season 2 • Episode 1: ‘A Disappearance’ (S02E01)
6 April 20223 songs

Starting song / Phill is recording everything he and his friends are doing for a new movie he is working on

[0:02′] The group of friends makes a campfire. They gather around it and enjoy it, except Denis who goes to film in the woods.

[0:07′] The Hardy family is having a messy morning. The boys decide to take their car and not go with their aunt to keep their reputation.
Season 2 • Episode 2: ‘Conflicting Reports’ (S02E02)
6 April 20223 songs

[0:23′] Frank, Joe, and Callie go to interview the guy who they think lied to the police. He gives them a few new leads but is not really in the mood to give answers.

[0:39′] Chet and his new friend, Belinda, had to run away from the police because they trespassed a property. They go separate ways but reunite at the bar.

[0:41′] Frank thinks he manages to understand the data that the eye gives him. He and Joe decide to keep Franks’s visions between the two of them.
End credits
Season 2 • Episode 3: ‘The Missing Camera’ (S02E03)
6 April 20221 song

[0:20′] With the help of his friends, Frank makes a plan on how to get the tape they need.
Season 2 • Episode 4: ‘A Clue on Film’ (S02E04)
6 April 20222 songs

[0:05′] Fanton figured out that Callie went to see Gloria. He advises her to keep it a secret from Frank for the moment.

[0:24′] Linda’s ex came to see her and asked her to hang out. Chet came to get Belinda and they drove away.
Season 2 • Episode 5: ‘Heading for Destruction’ (S02E05)
6 April 20220 songs
Season 2 • Episode 6: ‘Hunting an Intruder’ (S02E06)
6 April 20222 songs

[0:01′] Fanton gets to the place of the accident. He takes Frank and they go to the hospital, where Belinda’s and Biff’s mom is.

[0:36′] Joe and Frank fight because Frank told their friends the truth about The Eye. Frank meets Callie in the car and they talk about his secret. Chet and Belinda talk about her father’s girlfriend. Biff apologizes to aunt Trudy.
Season 2 • Episode 7: ‘The Doctor’s Orders’ (S02E07)
6 April 20221 song

[0:26′] Joe and his friends try to save Denis from being transferred to another hospital. Frank and Camilla try to understand The Eye’s messages.
Season 2 • Episode 8: ‘A Midnight Scare’ (S02E08)
6 April 20222 songs

[0:12′] Chet and Joe almost manage to understand the message from Jb, but they have to leave to have lunch with Chet.

[0:42′] Joe thought they finally caught The Shadow Man, and it was Mister Munder, but when he, Phill, and Lucy got to his house they find him dead.
Season 2 • Episode 9: ‘Captured!’ (S02E09)
6 April 20221 song

[0:39′] The school dance started. Joe, Frank, and Chet came to find The Shadowman. Joe advises Lucy to leave, but she asks him to have at least one dance with her.
Season 2 • Episode 10: ‘An Unexpected Return’ (S02E10)
6 April 20221 song

[0:37′] Joe and Lucy meet at the bar. She tells him to call her when he won’t be preoccupied with a case. Phill shows Denis his movie and he critiques it.
TV Series Trailer

Trailer songs (full tracks)

Streaming on: Hulu
Category: Adventure TV Series, Disney+, Drama TV Series, Family TV Series, Hulu, Prime Video, StackTV, TV Series
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