Song credits - additional film music - songs that are not included in the official soundtrack list, but are playing in the movie.
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[0:12’] As Mateo prepares for the hospital, he is eager to find out if he will get the job.

[0:13’] Suarez informs his girlfriend that the job was offered to Mau.

[0:32’] There is a long line of island residents waiting to see Doctor Suarez.

[0:45’] This song was played on the radio by Mateo when he returned from fishing.

[0:46’] Mateo enjoys living on the island more and more.

[0:48’] Jorge and Mateo listen to this song together.
[0:52’] This song is sung at the party by Jorge and the band.

[0:55’] Jorge reveals to Mateo that the butcher performs the surgeries on the island because the nearest hospital is five hours away.

[0:58’] Mr. Hernandez informs German that he cannot start the project if there are not at least 200 people on the island.

[1:00’] Benjamin, Margarita, and Mateo dance to this song in the restaurant when Mr. Hernandez returns to get his hat.

[1:06’] During a visit to the restaurant, Mateo discovers that the village has a new doctor.

[1:24’] Mateo decides to become the island’s doctor. Maria returns to the island.
12. Grub an Kiel – Roberto Verastegui y Topacio Ortiz

14. La Culpa – Enzo y su Clan
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Category: Comedy Movie Soundtracks, Netflix
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Movie Genre: Comedy
Release date (wide): 30 August 2023
Runtime: 1h 34m
Production: Pimienta Films, Cuadernos de Cine
Distributors: Pimienta Films, Netflix
Director: Celso R. García
Actors: Guillermo Villegas, Pierre Louis, Yalitza Aparicio
IMDB: The Great Seduction

Hello, I would like to find a song in the credit scene of The Great seduction, on Netflix 2023
Around the 1:30:30 mark. I’ve tried everything to find it and you are my last hope (‘: I hope you can find it and if not then there is no problem. Thank you for your time.
Hello Kevin,
We tried our hardest, but we were unable to identify the song.