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The soundtrack to Autumn Girl (Bo We Mnie Jest Seks), a 2021-2022 movie music, tracklist, listen to all of the 24 full soundtrack songs, play full 20 OST music & 1 trailer tracks. View all song names, who sings them, stream 3 additional tune playlists, scores, and credits used in the movie. Read 13 scene descriptions with timelines.

Song credits - additional film music - songs that are not included in the official soundtrack list, but are playing in the movie.
Listen to full soundtrack songs (where available)

1. Scoop – Paolo Ferrara
[0:06′] Kalina and her friend eat cake at the restaurant.
2.Ladino Dessert – ירוסלב יעקובוביץ (Jaroslav Jakubovic)’
[0:14′] Kalina cooks while her husband and her lover are talking in the kitchen.
3.Straberry Jam – Robert Farnon
[01:35′] Kalina drinks champagne at home.

Autumn Girl official OST album tracklist, original motion picture score.
Original release date: 29 October 2021
Label: Re Studio Sp. z o.o.
Original music composed by Maria Dębska
1. To jest ta Jędrusik? Podobna, ale brzydsza – Maria Dębska
2. Uśmiechnij się, Polaku – Maria Dębska
[0:09′] Kalina starts singing and dancing in the shop.
3. Kocham cię – Maria Dębska
4. Dla Ciebie jestem sobą – Maria Dębska
[0:11′] Kalina is in bed with her lover; her husband arrives home.
5. Moment kretynie, nie widzisz, że jestem zajęta – Maria Dębska
6. Nie budźcie mnie – Maria Dębska
[0:20′] Kalina makes her appearance on stage and begins to sing.
7. Kalinko, ja bym cię zjadł – Maria Dębska
8. Patrzę na ciebie – Maria Dębska
[0:32′] Kalina’s moment begins and she starts singing. Everybody is watching her on tv.
9. A co siostra tu robi? – Maria Dębska
10. Salto – Radosław Łuka
[0:56′] Kalina and all the people in the restaurant start dancing, making the same moves; Kalina starts drinking.
Ending Credits

11. Staś boi się bab – Maria Dębska
12. Rzuć chuć – Maria Dębska
[01:08′] Kalina is singing at the fashion show.
13. Czyli kobieta sama się bronić nie może, bo to źle wygląda? – Maria Dębska
14. Z kim tak ci będzie źle jak ze mną – Maria Dębska
[01:13′] Kalina is singing on the street after arguing with her husband.
15. Na pewno znowu się spóźniłaś – Maria Dębska
16. Wszystko skończone – Maria Dębska
[01:21′] Kalina asks her lover to pack his things and leave.
17. A co ona tu robi? Nie została chyba nową Jesienną Dziewczyną? – Maria Dębska
18. La valse du mal – Maria Dębska
[01:24′] Kalina is watching the movie she’s been acting in, at the cinema.
19. To niesamowite jaki ty masz tupet – Maria Dębska
20. Bo we mnie jest seks – Maria Dębska
[01:37′] Kalina appears on stage, the others are watching her on tv.
Listen to the full score songs playlist from Autumn Girl (2022) Soundtrack :


Trailer Video
Watch the trailer for this film

Trailer songs (full tracks)
Salsa Swing - Paul Reeves

Streaming on:  Netflix

Category: Biography Movie Soundtracks, Drama Movie Soundtracks, Musical Movie Soundtracks

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Autumn Girl  Film information
Autumn Girl (2022) Soundtrack
Movie Genre: Biography, Drama, Musical
Release date (wide): 8 March 2022
Runtime: 1h 45m

IMDB: Autumn Girl

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