Song credits - additional film music - songs that are not included in the official soundtrack list, but are playing in the movie.
Listen to full soundtrack songs (where available)
1. No Roots – Alice Merion, Nicolas Rebscher
[0:01′] Magda wakes up and starts exercising while talking on the phone, then goes jogging.
2. Good Thing Goin’ On – Andy Powell & Linda Roan Feat. Pops Roberts
[0:08′] Magda takes care that everything runs smoothly during the event but doesn’t notice that Todd entered the room.
3. Rzuc To Wszysiko Co Zle – Zbigniew Wodecki
[0:18′] Magda walks down the street with the suitcase, then looks for a taxi.
[1:44′] Repeats when Magda, Krysztof, and Karol leave together after the dog parade ends.
End credits.
4. Maybe You’re Right – Kenny Werner & Friends
[0:24′] After the incident, Magda returns to the apartment and joins the others at the table, and accepts to help them with the parade.
5. Carmen: L’amour Est Un Oiseau Rebelle (Habanera) by Compagnia D’Opera Italiana Orchestra & Antonello Gotta & Jeannette Nicolai
[0:28′] Magda goes to the city hall to get a permit to drive into the main square for the parade.
6. Fun – Andy Powell
[0:38′] Magda takes Trombone for a walk in the park.
7. Nie Przenoscie Nam Stolicy Do Krakowa – Piotr Rogucki, Rafal Kulczycki, Krysztof Amik Skarzynski, Blazej Gawlinski, Wojciech Psiuk
[0:46′] Wiktor plays the guitar and sings this song at the restaurant, while Krysztof sings along and Magda gazes at him with a glass of white wine in her hand.
[1:37′] Repeats when Wiktor performs at the dog parade.
8. Finally Love – Homer Greencastle
[0:57′] Magda and Krysztof look at each other and smile while Karol sleeps on the couch.
9. Impossible Love – Olivier Constantin
[1:10′] Krysztof makes a Krakow special recipe for Magda.
10. Dancing Stars – Franck Sarkissian
[1:13′] Magda helps Krysztof build the wood statue, then they kiss for the first time.
11. Finding My Way – Brian Colin Burrows
[1:34′] Magda leaves the meeting and goes to the dog parade.
Trailer Video
Streaming on: Netflix
Category: Comedy Movie Soundtracks, Netflix, Romance Movie Soundtracks
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Heart Parade Film informationMovie Genre: Comedy, Romance
Release date (wide): 15 June 2022
Runtime: 1h 48m
Production: Endemol Polska
Distributor: Netflix
Director: Filip Zylber
Stars: Anna Próchniak, Michal Czernecki, Iwo Rajski
IMDB: Heart Parade
Composers Archive
Also looking for same song- who sang it and what is it called
Song missing in between 10 and 11 on soundtrack
Song when she sends video to him lyrics we never used to argue
could you please specify the timeline?
Decision by George James and Pia
Hello: This list didn’t include the name of the song in HeartParade at minute 1:28 – 20 minutes to the end. Could someone please share the name and the artist? Thank you.
I’m also looking for this song it’s slow starts with piano and says “rewind the time to when we were together before the lies”
Decision by George James and Pia
unfortunately, it is not available on the internet at the moment
why not?? every song is there and this modt important missing ! joke
Is it a song from Ruth B?