Wrong Side Of The Tracks Season 1 Episode 2
Wrong Side Of The Tracks Season 1 Episode 3
Wrong Side Of The Tracks Season 1 Episode 4
Wrong Side Of The Tracks Season 1 Episode 5
Wrong Side Of The Tracks Season 1 Episode 6
Wrong Side Of The Tracks Season 1 Episode 7
Wrong Side Of The Tracks Season 1 Episode 8
Season 1 • Episode 1: ‘Un cabronazo de la vieja escuela’ (S01E01)
20 May 20227 songs
1. Pica Pica (Soundtrack Original Locas por el Cambio) – Jose Albi Fernandez Guerra, Kilian Gonzalez
[0:10′] Tirso leaves the restaurant after a failed surprise birthday party.
2. Kinderszenen, Op. 15: VII. Traumerei – Ronan O’Hora & Royal Philharmonic Orchestra
[0:12′] Tirso listens to some music on his pick-up until he falls asleep.
3. Tentacion – Overthose
[0:35′] Nelson is looking for Irene around the city.
4. Ya Ahbabina (Vox) – Zakaria Ibrahim & Al Arish Group
[0:39′] Amanda and Ezequiel are searching for Irene.
5. Apareciste Tu – Sara Socas
[1:08′] Irene sneaks out of the house to meet with her boyfriend, Nelson.
6. Le Rezo A Maria – Extreme Music
7. Scenes of Childhood-Reverie – Robert Schumann
Season 1 • Episode 2: ‘Radios estropeadas’ (S01E02)
20 May 20224 songs
1. Se Me Olvido Que Me Querias – Loreley
[0:18′] Nelson is listening to a song on the train tracks when Nata comes.
2. Mi Vida Cambio – BENGOCHEA
[0:19′] Nelson tells Nata about the first time he met Irene.
[1:08′] A preview of the next episode /
End credits song
3. Malito – NANO.
[0:21′] Flashbacks from when Nelson stole Irene’s mom’s car.
[0:57′] Nelson and Irene listen to their song together through the walls.
4. Carros y Neones – Hensy Black, Dropyi, Mueka & Dariel
[0:26′] Nelson watches Tirso from across the street.
Season 1 • Episode 3: ‘Morder’ (S01E03)
20 May 20225 songs
1. Santana – Dukus
[0:06′] Nata and Loko are having sex.
2. Voy Crazy – NANO.
[0:25′] Nelson waits for Nata at their place.
3. Salsa En La Calle – Norbert Galouo & Jose Ortegon Tovar & Pana Black
[1:00′] Ezequiel brings Sandro his money.
4. ALONE – Mxndxz & VendettaBeats_ Feat. R.Tramas
[1:07′] Nelson and Tirso have their revenge for what happened to Irene and burn down the trap house.
5. Malito – NANO.
[1:09′] A preview of the next episode /
End credits song
Season 1 • Episode 4: ‘Lo que se esconde bajo la alfombra’ (S01E04)
20 May 20224 songs
1. No Le Hables De Amor – BENGOCHEA
[0:20′] Nata meets with Nelson to talk about what happened at the trap house.
2. Eh Mama (Mi Tierra Bella Me Llama) – Sr Ortegon feat. Pana Black
[0:39′] Gladys turns up the volume of the music after Tirso knocks on the wall.
3. Tras De Ti – Kombo the X Writer & Mike Rodz feat. Arliana
[1:01′] Tirso gives Nelson and Irene a moment of privacy.
4. Grande Sonate – Jerome Lemonnier
[1:03′] Tirso arrives at the store and turns on the radio. Suddenly, two guys arrive and take him.
Season 1 • Episode 5: ‘Perro viejo no perrea’ (S01E05)
20 May 202212 songs
1. M.I.A – Kombo The X Writer
[0:20’] Ezequiel catches Loko when he’s selling drugs.
2. Se Fue – Sr Ortegon
[0:24’] Tirso knocks on Gladys’ door asking her to turn down the music volume.
3. Adios Mi Amor – Orlando Paz
[0:42’] Tirso asks Gladys to go out with him as part of his plan.
4. Guaya – Hensy Black
[0:47’] Irene tries clothes on for her date with Nelson.
5. Gypsy Nightclub (Gypsy Nightclub) – Boris Yvan
[0:50’] Gladys and Tirso arrive at the nightclub.
6. Chalecos Antibalas – Hensy Black, Rob Falcone & Dariel feat. Dropyl
[0:53’] Nelson and Irene arrive with the motorbike at the party.
7. Latin Clubbing – Sr Ortegon
[0:55’] Sanchis calls Tirso to let him know that the guy they’re following just went into the club.
8. Salsa En La Calle – Norbert Galouo & Jose Ortegon Tovar & Pana Black
[0:56’] Tirso calls the guys to let them know he might have discovered where they keep the drugs.
9. Mi Ritmo – Sr Ortegon
[0:58’] Gladys approaches Tirso at the bar after seeing he’s not having fun.
10. Bailando – Sr Ortegon
[0:59’] Gladys slaps Tirso after he insults her.
11. Ta Queimar – Todo El Rato
[01:06’] Tirso dresses up to get out of the club without the police noticing him.
12. Entrevias – Mxndxz & VendettaBeats_ feat. Buplein
[01:08’] Tirso and Ezequiel make a pact to destroy Sandro together. Meanwhile, at home, Irene takes some pills.
End credits song
Season 1 • Episode 6: ‘Quien roba a un ladrón’ (S01E06)
20 May 20225 songs
1. Vivo Recordando – Puro Vicente Hernandez Entenza
[0:04’] Gladys listens to some music and dances around while decoring her apartment.
2. Bach: Jesu, Joy Of Man’s Desiring – Jonathan Carney
[0:15’] Irene tries to sneak out of the house while Tirso is listening to his classical music.
3. La Rumba – Alvaro Gomez-Orozco
[0:37’] Ezequiel arrives at Sandro’s nightclub to spy on him.
4. No Puedo Esperar – Skeewiff
[0:39’] Ezequiel threatens Nata after finding out she’s a snitch.
5. Afro Drill (Dinero) – Todo el Rato & Dshuffle
[01:09’] Tirso and his friends throw the money they found out of the van for the people to take.
End credits song
Season 1 • Episode 7: ‘Los Robin Hood’ (S01E07)
20 May 202211 songs
1. Un Beso Mas – Matt Hirt & Francisco Rodriguez
[0:08’] Gladys calls Ezequiel to invite him out on a date.
2. Rapido – NANO.
[0:12’] Irene comes to Nata to ask her for more drugs.
3. Travailler – Berkay Akdeniz feat. Dico & Denden
[0:21’] Irene comes back to Nata after getting the money for the pills.
4. Subiendo Como Espuma – Lokus feat. Afro Gyal
[0:22’] Irene and Nata make the change.
5. Mi Consentida – Matt Hirt & Francisco Leon Rodriguez
[0:27’] Gladys gets ready for her date with Ezequiel.
6. El Estadero A – Juan Carlos Padilla & Gabriel Montes
[0:30’] Ezequiel comes to the nightclub to speak with Nata.
7. Lonelyman – Tito Ramirez
[0:38’] The radio plays in Ezequiel’s car.
8. Nobody – Dukus
[0:43’] Loko and Nelson hang out for lunch at their old spot.
9. Fuego Muy Lento – NANO. Feat. Clara Amado
[01:05’] Loko and Nata kiss.
10. Solo Tu – Sr Ortegon feat. Hector Viveros
[01:06’] Tirso calls Gladys from prison. Meanwhile, Ezequiel and Sandro talk about the stolen money at the club.
11. Kalvin – Mxndxz & VendettaBeats_
[01:08’] Nata tries to get a hold of Loko to tell him to stop the plan. Meanwhile, he’s already shot when Ezequiel finds him.
End credits song
Season 1 • Episode 8: ‘El último tren’ (S01E08)
20 May 20223 songs
[0:49’] Tirso’s daughter comes to pick up Irene from his apartment once and for all.
2. A Lo Caliche – Sr Ortegon feat. Pana Black
[01:00’] Nata sneaks into the club trying to kill Sandro.
3. Malito – NANO.
[1:14′] End credits song
TV Series Trailer
Streaming on: Netflix
Category: Action TV Series, Adventure TV Series, Crime TV Series, Netflix, TV Series
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Composers Archive
I’ll like the name of the artist, and title of the urban Spanish song that started episode 8 of Season 3..Irene was dancing to it at the start of that episode. Thanks
Even though we use several apps, the song was not recognized by either of them.
I’ll like the name of the artist, and title of the urban song that started episode 8 of Season 3..Irene was dancing to it at the start of that episode. Thanks
I was looking for the beautiful piano music , comes in every love scene in Entrevias , and more on the last scene of the last episode of season one. Who know that beautiful song ? I can’t find it on Google or YouTube , or by the Netflix site
unfortunately, we couldn’t identify that piano music used in this series scene yet.
Hi looking for the tracking playing in the party – the privilege (German)
12 :54